Can you set up and manage my Facebook Ads?

Chris Gutierrez
Written by Chris GutierrezLast update 5 years ago

Short answer = No

Longer answer....

Facebook ads are very difficult to outsource. I would be vary wary of finding someone in the Philippines, Eastern Europe or India who can do this and do it well.

Facebook ads done well really requires a deep understanding of who your clients are and a level of copywriting that isn't easily found in places like Phillipines or India.

It's something that we as a business have looked at how we could offer many times and as yet we haven't found a way we could do it consistently, and affordably at a high quality at scale that's the #1 reason we don't offer it.

What we can do in regards to Facebook Ads are...

1. Facebook Ad Images

As a Design Task you can have us create images for the facebook ads

2. Facebook Pixel Code

As a Web Task we can put the Tracking code for you on every page of your website or landing page, and configure the pages you need to be the conversion pixel with the correct on page code.

We won't however log in to your facebook account and set up any ads, this is best done by yourself or a high paid consultant who is an expert at Facebook Marketing.

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